You’ll Never Talk Alone – OGWN Live in Liverpool!
The Labour Party arrives in Liverpool for their first party conference as the Government
since 2009… and the original no-bullshit politics podcast is coming too. Join regulars
Dorian Lynskey, Raf Behr (The Guardian) and Jonn Elledge (New Statesman) plus a
special guest TBA for a unique live edition of Britain’s best-loved independent politics
podcast. Top quality analysis, honest chat, exasperation and therapeutic
swearing… OGWN’s got the lot.
On the agenda: How are Starmer and crew doing so far? Which of the crises on Sue
Gray’s infamous “shit list” are coming true? And we might kick the tattered corpse of the
Conservative Party around a bit for your entertainment as well. Oh, and your questions
too! It’ll be a night to remember in a specially intimate venue – book now.
Mon 23 Sept at The Laughterhouse, Fenwick St off Castle St. Doors 6.45pm, showtime
Tickets -