Paul Thorne

Friday, 07th March 2025

Venue: Liverpool - The Slaughter House

Show Starts: 20:00

Cost: £15 Comedy Seated Ticket, £10 Concession Seated Ticket

MC Chris Cairns with Paul Thorne and two guest comedians.

Join us at Liverpool's highest rated comedy club scoring an average of 5 out of 5 stars on the popular review site Trip Advisor.

Enjoy the finest stand up comedy acts with our triple headline shows. One of the very best MCs in the business will introduce three of the UK's top headline acts including some very special TV names.

Doors open at 7.15pm and the show starts at 8.00pm prompt. To avoid disruption to the show please aim to arrive by 7.45pm at the latest. The fun continues after the show upstairs with our live band, a free shot from the bar with your first drink!

Please note our shows do sell-out so we do recommend advance booking. We do a seating plan for all of our shows prior to the night of the show. If there is another booking you would like to sit with please make a note on your booking or call 0151 440 2564 more than 2 days before the day of the show and we will make sure your request is accommodated.

*******Ticket Offers*******

Concession tickets are available for all students, emergency workers, teachers, unemployed & NHS staff. Please bring proof of your concession on the night.

Come to a show 7 days either side of your birthday free of charge - simply book a free ticket and bring your ID with you on the night.

Line up subject to change.

Guest Comedian

Laughterhouse Comedy are proud to bring you the best in International talent.

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Guest TV Comedian

Laughterhouse are proud to bring you a high-calibre comic from amongst the best TV comedy sh

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Chris Cairns

You don't get booked to compere some of the largest rooms in the UK regularly without having

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