0151 440 2564

Adnan Ahmed

Adnan Ahmed addresses big topics and reduces them down to size with a mixture of razor sharp timing and cutting one liners.
Boasting a witty and charming style, his laid back comedy can barely hide his more pedantic side...

In the two years he hs played various clubs including The Stand - Edinburgh and Glasgow, Frog and Bucket, XS Malarkey, Sheffield Memorial Hall, Harrow Arts Centre, The Little Theatre, Outside The Box, Reading South Street Arts Centre, Cornerstone Arts Centre, Lawrence Batley Theatre, Assembly Rooms, Derby and Comedy Box Bristol.

Semi Finalist So You Think You're Funny 2009
Semi Finalist FHM Jongleurs Competition 2009
Semi Finalist Laughing Horse 2010
Finalist First Laugh Competition
Finalist Reading Comedy Festival New Act of The Year
Runner Up Essex Comedian of The Year

"Really very funny., Essex born Adnan Ahmed brought a relevance and irony to the evening setting the standard" City Life
"Adnan Ahmed, Braintree-bred and of Asian extraction, was probably the most sophisticated of them all, with a nostalgia-based angle on racism. Possessed of a delivery uncannily like a young Michael Caine, here was pret-a-manger comedy for the circuit and beyond" Wivenhoe News
"Adnan Ahmed was the stand-out attraction. Gloriously self-deprecating and agonisingly astute, he was superb throughout." Worksop Guardian